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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  November 29, 2018 2:00am-3:00am PST

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show the dangers of unguarded crossings. finally the ugly. police searching for an amazon driver who hit a parked car and took off. the man making a delivery outside home in tampa, florida after smashing the parked car, checked out the damage before scurrying back to his vehicle and then driving off. that wraps up his hour of "fox and friends first". have a great day. "fox and friends first" continues right now, goodbye. >> it is thursday, november 29th. ms 13 gang member just nabbed by border patrol. jillian: what we just learned about the alarming new health risks carried by some of the migrants. >> testimony was laughed at, they yawned that is, they would not accept what i told them that i never met asad. >> the table could be turning on robert mueller as a target lawyers up. rob: it could backfire in a big
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way. a hero's welcome, over-the-top reunion that will make your morning. jillian: "fox and friends first" continues right now. ♪ jillian: when i hear glamorous i think of roche net. rob: it is too early. jillian: you are watching "fox and friends first" on this thursday. rob: thanks for getting up early with us. early start, straight to a fox news alert, and ms 13 gang member traveling along with the migrant caravan.
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jillian: fox news learns of serious health risks being carried by some of those migrants. griff jenkins in tijuana, good morning. >> reporter: his name is josé, 29-year-old honduran traveling with the caravan of 2000 migrants. he was apprehended at the calexico port of entry and he is part of that dangerous ms 13 gang, customs and border protection issuing a statement saying he confirms his story of his involvement in intensity on entering the united states illegally, but not the only risk. these health issues, a spokesman for the health me they treated 2267 migrants so far, 67% have respiratory infections, 3 confirmed cases of tuberculosis, four cases of hiv-aids, 101 cases of lice, four cases of chickenpox and very much concerned about hepatitis because of the unsanitary conditions here.
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only 35 bathrooms for 6000 migrants in a space intended for 1000. we talked to one of those migrants, marco munoz who feels he was lied to by organizers from the beginning it is worried the group is headed for breaking point. >> they lied to us from the beginning. most of these people are disappointed and getting frustrated. as you can see with every day that passes more and more people are coming. let's rush in. >> reporter: compounding the problem, as you can see, it is raining lightly but it has been raining hard. all these problems will be wet and cold. it is expected to rain most of the day. rob: after a 2000 mile walk it
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is a tough time. jillian: a key witness in the russia probe intending to file a criminal complaint against robert mueller. todd democrat demand donald trump sitdown with the special counsel. rob: todd pyro joins us with the latest develop and as we look at the president's written answers to bob mueller. >> reporter: the latest twist, conservative author jerome corsi with a bombshell that he plans to go after robert mueller and his team in the courts. >> special prosecutor asking me to accept the fraudulent plea which i have my attorneys file criminal charges on with the department of justice. my experience made it clear to me the political criminals are running the department of justice and mueller's prosecution. they accused me of being a liar and the fabricator. >> reporter: adam schiff calling for donald trump to sit down for an in person interview with mueller saying the president's written answers weren't enough.
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>> there needs to be a live interview with the president, you need to ask questions in real-time. >> this coming as those written answers are coming out, two key points, donald trump telling mueller roger stone did not tell him about the clinton we cubic document and trump wasn't told about the 2016 trump tower meeting with a russian lawyer claiming to have dirt on hillary clinton. the president responding by tweeting the disgusting fake news is doing everything in their power not to report it that way, 3 major players intimating the angry mueller gang of dems is viciously telling witnesses to lie about facts and they will get relief. this is our joseph mccarthy era. there are reports that paul manafort gave untruthful statements to mueller about his relationship with the ukrainian associate leading to the end of his plea deal and leaving the president to say apartment for his embattled former campaign manager is not off the table.
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rob: roger stone, former trump campaign advisor in the midst of bob mueller's investigation is adamant that neither he nor jerome corsi had prior knowledge of wikileaks's plan to release emails taken from john podesta. jillian: they are targeted because they support the president. >> it is despicable they tried to pick jerry corsi and i, strong supporters of the president, against each other, when the bottom line is neither one of us received anything from julian assange or anyone else. i have no reason for a cover story. there was no heat. for six weeks no one noticed that tweet. it was not until the podesta papers were filed, published by wikileaks that it became controversial. i had no reason to cover it up. i had no advance knowledge of the hacking or theft or
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publication of the podesta emails. >> reporter: the controversy stems from the august 2016 tweet in which he said it would be the podesta's time in the barrel referring to john podesta and his brother tony regarding lobbying activities. the emails were released two month later. rob: stormy daniels calling out michael 90 claiming he filed a defamation lawsuit against donald trump without her permission and telling the daily beast about a second crowdfunding site without telling her that either. avenatti start the campaign to cover legal fees because most of the money has gone to security. daniels says she has not decided if avenatti will continue to represent her. jillian: democrats voted to nominate her for the job.
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in recent weeks they want fresh leadership. the entire house meets in january to officially regain the title. the senate is said to hold attends confirmation vote on one of donald trump's judicial nominees, facing resistance from senate democrats who claim he is hostile to union voter rights and they canceled votes on 2 dozen nominees amid jeff flake's pledged to oppose all court pics until he gets a vote on a bill to protect robert mueller. >> the president went to argentina for the annual g 20 summit. he is expected to meet with several world leaders including vladimir putin. according to the kremlin they will discuss antiterrorism efforts, syria and north korean denuclearization and donald trump will hold talks with chinese president xi jinping over the ongoing trade war.
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jillian: milania trump taking center stage in the fight against the opioid crisis. >> removing the stigma of shame that comes with addiction and changing public opinion. >> the first lady calling the opioid epidemic the worst drug crisis in american history during a townhall in virginia. she also address bullying before the crowd of 13,000 students. >> blastoff. nasa plans to announce partnerships with us companies to take america back to the moon. the news conference scheduled for 2:00 this afternoon. last time american astronauts landed on the moon was the apollo 17 mission in 1972. they successfully landed the insight lander on mars that you
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see their. >> 9 minutes after the hour, donald trump vowing to secure our border and build the wall threatening a government shutdown but will congress budge on funding? kimberly says not of democrats keep moving the goal posts, she explains next. ♪ rob: there goes carly. the holidays are back, so is fao schwartz, we have a tour of this legendary store. and inside look is coming up. we're about to move. karate helps... relieve some of the house-buying... stress. at least you don't have to worry about homeowners insurance. call geico. geico... helps with... homeowners insurance?
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the pressure cooker that crisps. it's the best of pressure cooking and air frying all in one. with tendercrisp technology, food will be juicy on the inside, crispy on the outside. (upbeat drumming) the ninja foodi, the pressure cooker that crisps. rob: refusing to flinch the president demanding a deal with democrats to secure $5 billion
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he wants to build the wall. what would a deal look like and can congress get it done before the partial shutdown deadline of december 7th? joining me is kimberly, thanks for coming on this morning. let's look in comparison to what democrats want to get on this and what the president wants, democrats looking to spend $1.6 million not necessarily on a wall but the border, the president wants $3.4 billion more for just a portion of the wall. interesting to hear chuck schumer say we want to secure the border, that is some kind of progress. >> it isn't a specific amount. congress passed $14 trillion in spending but they can't get $5 billion together to support funding the southern border. the problem is official rate.
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fiscal year 2019, with $4.4 trillion, $1.2 trillion to a discretionary spending funds, half of that to the military and to domestic programs, we do have funding there and $111.4 billion with an emergency fund that is not included in the budget and half of that goes to spending money overseas and everything going on over there but we have money there. the department of education and all these departments that end up with $18.7 billion emergency funding. it is not about money but democrats and anti-trump is sticking it to trump because he doesn't do his job which is fulfill campaign promises. heather: democrats hate the idea of the wall. speaking to a lot of media, a politico interview and washington post interview, this
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is in regards to putting together a deal between daca and the wall which almost came to fruition a year ago and fell apart, the president saying of the court rules in favor of obama, having that right, it is going to be a disaster because we will get nothing done. the president is hoping when the justice department takes it they will rules that we can't protect these kids and he can use that as a bargaining chip to get his wall. what are the chances the supreme court rules against daca and donald trump's favored? >> not sure they will in favor of donald trump but the democrats are doing that too, leverage for either side. the president doesn't want to see daca recipients go but he needs leverage to ask for money for the wall and is asking for a
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physical wall, not even talking about the money we need to secure the southern border. heather: another question is whether either party wants to solve this problem because every political party needs a reason, a way to drag their voters off the couch and go vote in november and this is way to get that done. what do you think? >> this is definitely a political game and it is unfortunate because daca recipients, so many lives hang in the balance but they will keep kicking the can down the road because they -- this is all about vote and elections and not about the american people are those who are here now or daca recipients but them and their political gain. >> most people don't want open borders but most people want those daca kids protected so it makes you wonder where this goes, the justice department plans to take that to the
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supreme court at some point, thank you for your time, appreciate it. 17 after the hour, sliding sales, how do sporting goods gun ban backfired. we will talk about that and dunkin' donuts spreading holiday cheer, the junk food we have over here and look at these four. i will join them coming up next, stay tuned. ♪ ♪ the new capital one savor card. earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in.
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what's in your wallet? now when you go out, you cash in. i am not for just treating my symptoms... (ah-choo) i am for shortening colds when i'm sick. with zicam. zicam is completely different. unlike most other cold medicines... ...zicam is clinically proven to shorten colds. i am a zifan for zicam. oral or nasal.
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unstopand it's strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. ...well almost anything. leave no room behind with xfi pods. simple. easy. awesome. click or visit a retail store today. rob: an illegal immigrant drug mule behind bars after being deported from the united states
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eight times. salazar aguilar sentenced to 17 years in jail without parole after a dui and resisting arrest, and he pleaded guilty to entering the country illegally in may. the 34-year-old was deported in 2013 for a different dui with 7 other times for the delivery of heroin into the country. rob: 230 prisoners arrested for stealing half $1 million in a dating apps scan. and 432 servicemembers, the inmates on dating apps as underage women into wiring cash after sending explicit photo. >> the dow spiked 600 points. >> what sparks that surge?
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>> reporter: we saw starks surging after jerome powell said interest rates close to neutral, the dow jinping 617 points, the s&p up by 61, the tech heavy nasdaq, neutral interest rate means inflation is stable in the economy on a sustainable path. traders took that to mean, in 2019, a turnaround. we are a long way from that neutral point therefore investors and what they want to hear. >> we want to hear what is happening at duncan. >> dunkin' donuts have their holiday menu. santa's doughnut looks like santa's belly.
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so there it is. a jelly with a munchkin in the middle. and try it out. vanilla process and sticky bun coffee, white chocolate coffee and cream cheese or the bagel. but doesn't he have -- you know he does. >> i haven't heard that yet. >> that is right. >> a ball full of jelly. >> you should put jelly in my donuts. >> jelly donuts. >> lunch would be a paper belly. >> nobody can hear anything because we are all talking at the same time.
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jillian: 24 after the hour, - can capture the moment to state troopers hit head on by a semi. more on this incredible close call coming up. a health alert on members of the migrant caravan. doctor nicole safire joins us with the illnesses some have right now and she joins us. this is your wake-up call. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,
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that supports your natural sleep cycle so you can seize the morning. zzzquil pure zzzs. the full value of your new car? you'd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i'm gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ rob: jim mattis sending troops to northern syria putting a final end to isis, ordering observation posts to crush what is left of the terror organization and allow turkish troops in the area of any nearby threat, 2000 us troops stationed in syria will man the posts.
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>> a quadruple murder mystery at the new jersey mention. in the home burned to the ground. and paul is accused of trying to kill his own fire the same day. they will make it out. it pushed back amid evidence, officials investigative there's a connection between the two fires. >> senate republicans block a second attempt by lawmakers to protect special counsel robert mueller, jeff flake, chris coons and cory booker pushed for a full vote on a bill that would save mueller from getting fired by donald trump that utah republican mike lee objected calling it unconstitutional and it died. jillian: a deployed soldier gets the welcome home greeting of a lifetime.
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i can't get enough of this. cassandra was showered with kisses at the sacramento airport. she feared her furry friend wouldn't remember her, the dog always remember. they always remember you. we love this. >> i could watch that on a loop over and over. i love dogs and soldier reunions. rob: the purple on that. >> we have cold air coming in from canada. not as cold as yesterday in new york but it is setting the stage for another winter storm that will affect the central us over the next couple days. the past 24 hours a quick clipper system moving across the midwest and great lakes moving
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eastward and the next big system will originate from the west. that is where we will see light snow activity across the midwest and great lakes but then we are dealing with several systems moving into the west. they need the rain fall. it will be a lot of rain so flash flooding will be a concern and a lot of snowpack in nevada, several feet of snow and we could see potential for several inches of rain along the coast but that is the storm system that will move into the central us bringing a mix of snow, freezing rain, sleet and severe weather and that will move eastward on saturday to the east coast, too warm for snow on the east coast but we will see snow across the northern plains and the midwest. we will keep you up to date. over to you. rob: fox news getting an exclusive look at potential health concerns spreading through the migrant camps in tijuana.
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jillian: in an interview with a healthy parent griff jenkins has learned doctors are treating 2000 migrants for a host of major health issues. rob: here to weigh in is doctor nicole safire, thanks for coming on this morning, we have 8000, 9000 people with some kind of illness, they traveled all the way through mexico and have been outside for weeks if not months. it was bound to happen. >> what we are seeing is completely expected with overcrowding and poor sanitation, hepatitis a, g.i. infections, respiratory viral infections, lice. anyone close to that will run rampant. my concern is several kids with chickenpox in the united states, we have vaccinations for it, south america vaccinations are less. if that starts affecting a lot of adults they are more sick than the children. i have concerns with that. hiv is not as transmissible as
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other things but a lot of open wounds, that is a way to potentially transmit hiv. they have a small medical tent outside the shelter but they are only equipped to handle minor medical issues. these could be very serious. jillian: some people look at these and look at this list and say but we have these things in this country so what is the big concern? >> this is an something we have to say you have to keep them out because they will in fact the united states, absolutely not. we see a lot of this when we have hurricanes and people go to the shelters, just another concerning situation with the caravan because a lot of bill people and once they come in they will require medical attention and that can put a financial strain not only on the united states but other people, these people are ill and they need care. rob: amazon, your medical
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records, what about this. >> the healthcare data is a $7 billion industry and have a giant like amazon, this is expected. i have some concerns but also some positives, a way to streamline this. what they are doing is they created essentially a robot or data to analyze the medical charge. we like to abbreviate things but they found a way to find these little pieces so we don't need people spending hours going through these medical charts. streamline billing may reduce costs because of poor billings or poor data or interpretations and also could potentially identify patients who would benefit from research trials. it is old-school but i get
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concerned about data breaches. we have viruses that affect hospital systems, doctors offices and people who are blackmailed for patient data. what do they do with that data? we know it is sold sometimes, we get robo calls and suddenly you have all your information, treatments that are out in the cloud. rob: are you worried about how all these companies are combining with less and less options? >> that is one of my concerns, that you have these mobile giant like amazon pushing out a lot of small tech companies. we saw this under the affordable care act where you have all these mega institutions get rid of a lot of small business and this is the tech side of it. >> thank you so much. 35 after the hour, fighting back against active shooters with hockey pucks? >> hockey coach for my kids when
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growing up. it hurt. rob: a michigan university handing out pucks to protect against active shooters. one student says it is not really a great idea. that is coming up next. jillian: the giant cow, rob's favorite animal, another massive steer in town ready for a bovine battle, stay right there. ♪
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>> welcome back, google could face major fines over the way attracts millions of its users, 7 european watchdog agencies accuses the tech giant of tricking users into letting google track their location, data cyber security expert lisa garber with how people can protect their information.
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>> users have to be aware of the controls they have in their google accounts, review the privacy policy even though they are complicated but be aware how ingrained the data is in your everyday life. rob: google telling fox news tracking is turned off by default but depending on your phone and your apps they may still collect data. dick's sporting-goods faces backlash against their tiger gun sale restrictions, revenue dropped 4.5% in the past 3 months alone. dick's stopped selling assault rifles and raised the minimum age to purchase again after the parkland shooting that left 17 dead. jillian: a michigan university unveiling a plan to protect against active shooters by throwing hockey pucks at them. >> hockey coach for my kid when growing up and it hurt. hockey pucks fit well into your
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briefcase or backpack, doesn't roll around. jillian: oakland university honoring students and faculty with 2000 pucks but is this the best way to protect our campuses? to weigh in a freshman at the school who was a member of the college republican university, thank you for your time this morning. i am curious what students are saying about this. >> most students are saying not much. i don't think a lot of them know the plan yet. the only people who know our student council at oakland university. >> what do you think of it? >> i think the money to pay for this, the more effective way to combat against a school shooter would be having armed guards on campus.
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the locks on the outside the door, and on the inside of a classroom, i can imagine a professor who has to go outside and lock the door has an extreme way hard time going through and if they are on the inside they would have a much more comfortable, to find the key and lock the door from the outside where the shooter is. >> we did reach out to the school and they said oakland university wishes to emphasize and reiterate the idea of fighting an armed attack with a hockey puck was offered in the context of the last line of defense in an active shooter situation. i am wondering if you are happy your school is thinking ahead, thinking outside the box and trying to come up with different
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solutions? >> i am not 100% happy with this idea because i'm not sure where we are going, get hockey pucks and not always the best athletes, the chance of us hitting somebody with a hockey puck can be very unlikely especially 20 yards out or something like that. i'm not the best thrower. most people i know are not the best throwers and most of the time it is the last thing you think about is throwing a hockey puck at the shooter. your first reaction is to run the opposite direction and hide and an armed guard onto the school. and patrolling each building, each hallway so someone going into a school -- >> students raised the concern that you are expressing to the school. >> a lot of people don't know about the hockey puck idea and
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political organizations and teachers. >> this is just a thing that is suggested. the author of hockey parks at the same time, it would be quite the distraction. you make some points, we are hearing good points on the other side. it is better than nothing. >> other than being there, thinking from the deck of view of being alone in a hallway, coming out of the hallway and aspiring and everyone in the classroom is not able to be the best thrower, and a hockey puck does not quite throw them off. the best way, there was a
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shooting in maryland, two students were wounded and the reason there was a resource officer in the school that had a gun that killed the person who came into maryland. of the 20 we will see how this plays out, thank you for your time. rob: the holidays are back and so is this iconic toy store. fao schwartz in new york city. we have a personal tour. >> i'm a big 80s movie lover and i love tom hanks. i remember that piano. rob: inside look at all the fun coming up. things can be a big . that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats moderate to severe
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>> coming up on "fox and friends" 11 minutes from now, the agent of the us border patrol san diego sector will join us talking about the situation on the southern border. you can see lawrence jones talking about legal things, dana lash from dallas and judge andrew napolitano not to mention the two well-known personalities across the street to a toy store and let their feet do the talking coming up on "fox and friends" which starts 10 minutes from now. i didn't know she was there. how are you doing? rob: we will give you a little hint of that right now. thanks so much. the holiday season is here and
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that means holiday shopping. rob: a classic toy store back in new york city. >> we went to rockefeller center to check it out. watch. >> hello! >> welcome. >> look at that. >> here you go. >> the whole day that we are in here. >> here you go. this is what we need. please do. this store has a lot of history
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and it is not new to new york. >> it has been around since 1862 and we close our doors in 2015 and excited to be back here today at rockefeller center. and iconic force in new york city and so many memories people have of our history and new memories we are waiting to create with the kids. >> we won't use that one. look at it, shows everybody else where you got it. >> plastic beach here. >> you got here. >> always fun at the grocery store. >> carly is having the time of her life.
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>> i am a big 80s movie lover and i love tom hanks and i remember big and i remember that piano. ♪ >> let's learn. ♪ >> two. ♪ >> there you go. >> i wanted to play in that piano and finally get it. >> dream come true. pretty good job.
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>> we missed up the high-5s like we messed up the piano. >> the piano thing was hard. >> pulling 8 hours. if you haven't been there and come to new york city over the holidays it is something to put on your bucket list. rob: get those hips moving. it is nice. jillian: the line was out the door. >> go early. rob: absolutely. 53 minutes after the hour. - can capturing the moment the state troopers nearly hit on by a tractor-trailer. and incredibly close call coming up next. jillian: giant fears have some bead while one may have won over social media. rob: another bovine coming for the cow crowd. more cows today, stay tuned. ♪
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ask your diabetes care specialist about tresiba®.
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your digestive system has billions of bacteria but life can throw them off balance. re-align yourself with align probiotic. and try new align gummies with prebiotics and probiotics to help support digestive health. ♪ somebody loves you in the way i couldn't ♪ somebody's taking care of you the best of me ♪ i've been hoping ♪ someone will love me ♪ let me go jillian: a favorite, that
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one? rob: a shot of oakland? jillian: yes, i hear it in my ear looking beautiful. rob: of course. and very early. hiding in a barbershop inches away from where kittens were sleeping caught on camera. a man goes under the table hiding behind the table cloth and the family spots him and runs out of the room to alert police. officers came and took this guy into custody, a scary moment there. there's he is hiding and there are the police. >> also on camera an oklahoma state trooper narrowly escaping tractor-trailer. watch the truck illegally passes the double yellow forcing the trooper to, the truck driver was cited for passing in a no passing zone. yikes. >> time for good, the bad and the ugly. first the good. hunter captures a deer trapped on a frozen lake. what a good guy here.
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8 point buck bringing it back to shore. he didn't want to watch that deer suffer and rightly so. leaves a box of rocks. security cameras catches a chief swiping the package. next day one of the men returned it with a letter apologizing and the suspect's real phone number. ththey face theft charges. >> 6:4 cow in australia going viral for massive size it might be time for him to mooove over. is he facing stiff competition from cowboy in california. this 3,000-pound beefy bovine is an inch taller than knicker even standing on all fours he is 6 and a half feet tall. jillian: although large cows of the world are going to come out and say i'm the largest. rob: it can't be organic, right? how do you get that big without steroids and all
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that other stuff? jillian: you're just big boned. that's all. rob: they are big cows. jillian: thanks for watching. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> border agents arresting an ms 13 gang member that's been traveling along with the migrant care van. jillian: this as fox news exclusively learns of serious health risks being carried by many of those migrants. rob: the president going to buenas aries. g-20 summit. expected to meet with vladimir putin. >> the president should issue a public rebuke of putin and no better place to do it than the g-20 summit. >> house democrats have formally nominated nancy pelosi to be speaker. she needs to whittle down 35 dissenters in order to hit the magic number of 213 by january. >> are there dissenters, yes. but i expect that to go down as we go forward. >> president taking part in the 96th annual national christmas tree


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